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New Meditation Courses
4 weeks sessions
November/December 2024
Accessing inner stillness is the aim of many spiritual traditions. It helps us to calm our emotions and stop the endless chatter of our ‘monkey mind’. When we fully connect with this stillness we may experience inner peace and harmony, even in the midst of chaos.
This is a four weeks’ course introducing meditation practices to help become a conscious observer of thoughts, emotions and actions and access the space in between where stillness resides. As we pay more attention to the space in between, we find that the gaps become longer and our experience of stillness increases. The sessions include reflective and active visualisation exercises and other tools to access stillness regardless of our surroundings.
Inner Life
5 weeks sessions
September/October 2024
This is a 5 weeks’ course in which we use reflection and meditation techniques to assist in a journey of inner enquiry. Our inner reactions are our teachers. It is our human condition to feel a range of strong emotions and also to learn from them and transform ourselves through these experiences. Inner enquiry and acknowledging the truth of who we are is not easy, but it propels us into the journey towards finding inner stillness, peace and harmony in our lives. The themes covered in this course include Awareness and Acceptance, the Art of Letting Go, Peace and Harmony, Self-love and Self-forgiveness, Transformation and Empowerment.
Strengthening Connection to Divine Consciousness
4 weekly sessions
from August to September 2024
This is a 4 weeks’ course reflecting on the meaning of God Consciousness, Divine Source or Prime Creator and strengthening our connection to the Divine. We may feel a closer connection to the Divine through breathing and meditation practice, learning to live in the present moment, from the natural world and being inspired by love and beauty. Through meditation and reflection, we will consider pathways to strengthen our own personal connection to Divine Source and recognise the divinity within us all.
Truth: Pathway to Freedom
5 weekly sessions
from May to June 2024
When we do not tell the truth or are not true to ourselves, we feel physical discomfort as our bodies do not lie. When we speak and act in accordance with our truth, we are authentic to ourselves and we feel a sense of freedom and peace. True freedom is more than having the ability to act, speak or think as we wish, it is seeing that we have the choice in how we respond so that we are able reflect, reappraise and redirect our attention in any situation.
This 5 weeks’ course considers how truth is a pathway to freedom. We will explore the science of truth (kinesiology), how to reveal our divine purpose or plan, develop our instinct and intuition, know ourselves and become an observer of the truth on the path to discovering freedom. We will use breathing, meditation and discussion to reflect on these themes more deeply. Hand out notes including references and resources and recordings of the meditations will be available after each class.
Peace During Times of Conflict and Change
5 weekly sessions
from March to April 2024
In times of conflict and change, it is important to find a source of serenity and peace within. Peace means freedom from disturbance. Inner peace is soothing and calming and frees us from anxiety and inner conflict. This is a new 5 weeks’ course providing tools to access peace during an accelerating time of conflict, change and transformation. We will use breathing, relaxation, meditation and other techniques to access and experience peace within. Themes will include dissipating and transforming fears, gaining stability and resilience, finding inner harmony and understanding the importance of self-love and compassion.
Introduction to the Chakras
8 weekly sessions
from January to March 2024
Chakras, known as ‘gateways of consciousness’ or ‘wheels of life’ are organising centres for the reception, assimilation and transmission of life energies. Each chakra corresponds to certain energy types, organs, glands and nerves. The seven main chakras relate to survival, relationships, power, love, communication, intuition and spiritual connection.
This eight weeks’ course looks into the history and workings of the chakra system. We journey through each of the energy centres and use meditation, breathing and other tools and techniques to recognise, activate and balance the energy of our chakras. Chakras are organising centres for the reception, assimilation and transmission of life energies. Each chakra corresponds to certain energy types, organs, glands and nerves. The seven main chakras relate to survival, relationships, power, love, communication, intuition and spiritual connection.
Feedback from previous courses